greatest accomplishment

My greatest accomplishment is about to happen in a couple days. Graduating high school is something I am proud of. Ive done this school thing for a long time now and am finally finishing up. Everyone including me was all excited about graduating this year but now that its here ive had time to think about it and realize how much fun ive actually had in high school.


ASF stands for African swine Fever. ASF is extremely contagious and deadly and can harm all kinds of pigs. These pigs will suffer from high fever, low appetite, weakness and diarrhea. Yes people can transfer it and contract it. You shouldn’t wear the same clothes. This disease is in Asia.

Next Year

Over the next year my life is going to change in a significant way. I will be graduating high school soon and will head to college in the fall. This is going to be quite the lifestyle change from may time here in high school. I will be away from home most of the time and wont see most of my friends during the week. Maybe the hardest part about this transition will be leaving my friends and family here at home during the week. I will have to come home a lot on the weekends to spend time with them. I’m ready to be done with high school but I’m not sure I’m ready to start the adult life.

Mean People

Some people are mean because they’re trying to be funny or cool. I believe if we let people stand up for themselves the problem wouldn’t be so big. If someone is bullying you and you do something to stand up for yourself you may make the bully think twice about messing with you next time. It is about confidence. If you are confident to stand up for yourself you might solve your problem instead of someone else trying.

Challenging experience

A challenging experience trying to convince someone of something is trying to get my teacher to not make me do these blog posts. Some of these are kinda hard and others aren’t. Sometimes I just don’t feel like doing them. At the end of the day I still have to get them done and no matter how much I try she still wants them done.


One of my greatest difficulties came during this years wrestling season when we were a week from the region tournament and my buddy and drill partner dislocated his shoulder at practice, ending his season. This made me angry and disappointed at the same time. I was disappointed because I lost my drilling mate and partner in crime and I was mad because he had a real shot placing in the state tournament but got hurt by one of the dinks on our team causing him to miss the rest of our senior season. I found someone to drill with at practice but was still angry about my friend getting hurt.

Food or Nah

Article 1 is about cell cultured meats. The USDA, FDA, and FSIS were involved. The USDA said they need to learn more about it. The second article is about fake foods. NCBA stands for National Cattlemens Beef Association. They want to make sure it is safe. My opinion is real food is safer.


A hero to me is someone you can look up to. Someone who has worked hard for everything they have and aren’t selfish. My hero(s) are my grandpas. They both served in the military and have worked hard their entire lives. One of them was the town cop, fire chief, city worker, and electrician. He is one of the hardest working and toughest men i’ve ever met. My other grandpa has been farming his entire life. He started out as a boy and has grown into one of the bigger farms in the area. They are both retired now and lived good successful lives. They are true role models and heros.


Persuasion happens in my life all the time. I have to persuade my mom anytime I want to do anything that involves my friends because she assumes we’re gonna get into trouble. Sometimes she is right and sometimes she isn’t. Sometimes my persuading works and sometimes it doesn’t, it depends on what kind of mood my mother is in. When it comes to my father persuading is quite easy as he was pretty wild in high school and it would take a lot to be as bad as he was. My dad also trusts a little more than my mom does.

Emergency Aid

The White House, Senate, and House of Reps. are mentioned in this article along with the USDA. $13.5 billion will help the northern plains and corn belt. The white house felt that this would give too much aid to Puerto Rico. Damages to the heartland were estimated at $1 billion. Flooding is the main cause to the damages to Nebraska. Flooding damaged grain for feed and the USDA is providing support for livestock losses.